What Are Antioxidants and How Can They Benefit Your Health
What Are Antioxidants, and How Can They Benefit Your Health? You’ve probably heard the term “antioxidant” mentioned hundreds of times in articles and advertising about food and nutrition. A Google search for the term yielded an astonishing 132 million results. But what exactly are antioxidants, how do they benefit your health, and what are the best ways to use them? Here is a primer on the basics of antioxidants.
What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are molecules in the body and are found in plant-based foods that counteract oxidative stress. In short, oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals that damage cells and the body’s ability to cope with their harmful effects.
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Free radicals are produced as a byproduct of regular metabolism and in reaction to exercise sunshine and pollutants like pollution and cigarette smoke. Oxidative stress caused by free radicals damages healthy cells. It is thought to play a role in several diseases, including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and heart disease. Oxidative stress also harms ageing.
Antioxidants primarily act as protectors to protect healthy cells from free radical attacks. By doing so, they help maintain proper physical function and protect your health.
High source of antioxidants
Antioxidants include hundreds, if not thousands, of chemicals ranging from vitamin C to flavonoids and polyphenols. A wide range of plant-based foods provide antioxidants, so they are easy to get. Some of the top sources include berries, cocoa, herbs and spices, beans, artichokes, apples, nuts and seeds, cherries, dark leafy vegetables, coffee and tea, whole grains, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes, avocados, and Includes pomegranate…
How To Increase Your Antioxidant Amount
Food groups based on different coloured plants aim to gain a broader spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fibre, as well as antioxidants. I advise my clients to make five cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit in their daily meals. For example, include one cup of vegetables at breakfast, two at lunch and two at dinner, one cup of fruit at breakfast, and another as part of your daily breakfast.
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Another strategy to boost your antioxidant intake is to eat more natural, plant-based meals instead of processed ones. Trade breakfast pastries for a bowl of ‘Zots’ (Zacchini oatmeal) on top with fruits and nuts. Instead of sandwiches or wraps, go for a bowl made with a broad green with beans, brown rice, and seasoned guacamole—breakfast on fruit with nuts or seeds or vegetables with hummus. Finally, satisfy your sweet tooth with dark chocolate.
What Are Antioxidants, and How Can They Benefit Your Health
Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning coffee, and mix water or tea with antioxidant-rich herbs and fruit pieces. It is impossible to get too many antioxidants from the whole diet. In addition, choosing antioxidant-rich foods can enhance the overall nutritional value of your diet.
How To Increase Your Antioxidant Amount
Food groups based on different coloured plants aim to gain a broader spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fibre, as well as antioxidants. I advise my clients to make five cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit in their daily meals. For example, include one cup of vegetables at breakfast, two at lunch and two at dinner, one cup of fruit at breakfast, and another as part of your daily breakfast.
What Are Antioxidants, and How Can They Benefit Your Health
Another strategy to boost your antioxidant intake is to eat more natural, plant-based meals instead of processed ones. Trade breakfast pastries for a bowl of ‘Zots’ (Zacchini oatmeal) on top with fruits and nuts. Instead of sandwiches or wraps, go for a bowl made with a broad green with beans, brown rice, and seasoned guacamole—breakfast on fruit with nuts or seeds, or vegetables with hummus. Satisfy your sweet tooth with dark chocolate. Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning coffee, and mix water or tea with antioxidant-rich herbs and fruit pieces. It is impossible to get too many antioxidants from the whole diet. In addition, choosing antioxidant-rich foods can enhance the overall nutritional value of your diet.
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