Six everyday habits to boost your brainpower
Six regular practices to boost your brainpower. Like every physical system in our body, our brain has a limit to what it can achieve. Misleading keys. Lost. We don’t remember that name at all. All of these represent (minor) failures in our cognitive abilities, says Dr Richard Day, a biocultural psychologist and medical consultant. If we want to run faster, swim more or lift something heavier, this is an excellent way to achieve it, but can it be said for our brain as well as our muscles or heart? For the system? And if so, what could be a brain HIIT class or a brain boot camp?
Mental strength
“To answer these questions, we first need to think about what we mean by ‘mental strength,'” says Dr Day. “Memory comes first – and first. It is complex because there are so many different types of memory: short-term and long-term, autobiographical and methodological. But concentration, speed and spatial awareness. is also.”
It can be overwhelming, but there are practical ways to help increase mental strength without too much effort. Here, the doctor, who is particularly interested in the interaction between physical and mental health, offers some suggestions:
1 / Sleep more and sleep better.
“Sleep is always connected to a higher number of people and a variety of health effects. But it’s not just the amount of sleep that matters, the type and quality of sleep that matters. REM sleep (meaning rapid eye movement). And NREM sleep (rapid movement of the eyes). NREM sleep is usually at the beginning of the night, and REM sleep comes later at night or early in the morning. Both REM sleep and NREM sleep are different. In one study, researchers tested the ability of individuals to memorize names with or without a 90-minute nap in the middle of a group of people who were allowed to take a nap. They had a 20% advantage over those who could not sleep, clearly showing the importance of ‘power nap’.
Similarly, experiments show that a good night’s sleep also improves memory. Can help improve – allows us to strengthen day-to-day learning. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that NREM sleep is more critical for remembering facts and figures.
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How to get better sleep.
2 / Be physically active
“Another way to assess our cognitive ability is to look at our processing speed, or how quickly we can finish a mental activity.” In general, our processing speed slows as we become older. It is thought to reduce the amount of white matter in the brain and reduce the transmission of information between and between neurons. Interestingly, studies show that people who exercise more are more likely to. This is because they can better maintain the speed of the cognitive process with age, so exercise for your body can be an exercise for your brain.
3 / Concentration of cappuccino
“Our capacity to focus is another critical cognitive characteristic. Without focusing the mind on a single subject, object or thought, it can be pretty challenging to do anything. For example, it is customary to dream in a few days. But for some people, failure to focus can be a problem.
Caffeine in a dose of 30 to 300 mg (note: one shot of espresso contains approximately 75 mg of caffeine) has been shown to increase the essential aspects of cognitive performance, such as attention, alertness, and reaction time. As a result, caffeine is the world’s most popular nootropic substance that enhances cognition and memory or facilitates learning.
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You are what you eat.
“The study of how food and nutrition impact mental health is known as nutrition psychology.”Some aspects of mental health are closely linked to cognitive function – diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have a profound effect on our cognitive function. But other mental health diagnoses – such as depression – can also significantly impact memory and concentration. In addition, certain foods have been shown to have a direct effect on cognitive function. For example, foods rich in polyphenols (such as grapes and blueberries) have been shown to prevent cognitive decline. In addition, clinical trials have shown that polyphenols Using can improve age-related memory loss and improve working memory and attention in young adults.
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Don’t forget about your microbiome.
“Our gut microbiome is a collection of trillions of microorganisms that live inside our stomach. The role of these microorganisms in health and disease has been the subject of literally thousands of scientific studies in recent years. Health is thought to be traditionally about the gut microbiome, but – increasingly – remote organs are deeply affected by what happens in our gut microbiome – and the brain is no exception. Gut bacteria can produce such chemicals. Moreover, many gut microbes have the same chemicals that the brain uses. Increasingly, good gut health is considered necessary in many neurological and psychological diagnoses, including cognitive health.
Six everyday habits to boost your brainpower
Surprisingly, a type of bacterium has also been shown to reduce the accumulation of proteins that cause Parkinson’s disease. A healthy gut microbiome is generally considered to be a diverse microbial community. One way to ensure the microbiome is to maintain a varied and diverse diet. Consider taking live bacterial supplements, such as Biocult Mind, which contains live bacteria, grape and blueberry juice and zinc. Zinc has been shown to contribute to normal cognitive function and protect cells from oxidative stress. The gut microbiome is a rapidly evolving field of medical research, and the link between the gut and the brain is currently a significant centre for microbiome research.
6 / Hit the books
“IQ is a test of ‘raw’ intelligence that is usually assumed to be a static scale, but new research shows that this isn’t necessarily the case.”An analysis at the University of Edinburgh found that Education is the most permanent, robust and sustainable way to increase IQ. A recent educational study found that each additional year in Education can increase the IQ score by one to five points. They’re earnest about improving it, so maybe it’s time to hit the textbooks again. ”
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