Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu 2023

By | March 14, 2021
Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu

Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu 2023

Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu. B Pharmacy assistants in the Urdu language need to learn the different texts in the B category included in Urdu’s Pharmacology book. The pharmacy assistant programs students study different texts in the Pharmacology book in Urdu before starting their course. The students of this program learn the contents of the books through online downloads.

Online textbooks can be downloaded free.

This course’s online textbook can be downloaded free by the students who are enrolled in this course. This course’s online textbook has many features, including the glossary, the index, and the table of contents. The textbook of this course has many appendices as well.

Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu

These appendices of the textbook of this course make the study of pharmacology easier for the students. Students learn about the Ayurvedic principles, and they gain knowledge of the herbal remedies as well. This course’s topics also include Ayurvedic astrology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, dietetic habits, and homeopathy. Some of the B category books are mentioned below.

Free Pharmacy Assistant books and Category B Notes in Urdu

The first B category book is entitled Mirat Firdausiye Kezd-i-Ras-ye Hummel-e Mardan. This book contains information about Ayurvedic methodologies and herbal cures. The second B category book is entitled as Haider-Khand. This book provides the students with information on traditional medications. The third B category book is called Tehranga Danda.

The contents of this book are discussed in detail.

The contents of this book are discussed in detail. The student can easily understand the content of this free download pharmacology book. The fourth B-category book is called Ashtanga Zenda. This text is meant for those students who have passed the 6th standard of learning. This text has plenty of videos that can be played back when the students do not have an internet connection.

Provides medical information

This text provides medical information to the students about general medicine. It explains different kinds of diseases and their symptoms. The sixth article of this series is titled, Ayurveda Veda.

Free B-category book

This is a free B-category book. This book is useful for the students as it contains information about various kinds of medicines. The contents of the book also include details about some unusual preparations of medicine. The last B-category book is called Ayurveda Mehta. This book describes the medicines related to the digestive system.


These are the different kinds of texts available for the students who want to learn more about Ayurveda or other subjects. They can also download these books online through different resources available. These books can easily be downloaded from various websites—most of the websites propose free downloading of these books. Students can also part their experiences with these books’ help by posting their comments on the blogs.

These books are offered in different formats such as paper, audio, and video. The price ranges depending upon the format. Some of the books that are available for free are mentioned below. They are handy for the readers who are just beginning or intermediate students.

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This is the book for the novice who wants to know more about Ayurveda. It contains the basic knowledge of this branch of medicine. It helps the novice to know about some herbs that are used for treating different diseases. Also contains a description of the preparation of medicines and their preparation. The next book in this series is called Ayurveda Veda.

This is a book for Punjab pharmacy assistant students who want to know the basic knowledge about Ayurveda. It gives a detailed description of the preparation of medicines and different procedures related to them. It is beneficial for the students who want to know more about Ayurveda. The knowledge given in this book can help the students to prepare the herbal treatment manuals.

There are many other books available on the internet. Some of these books are also available on DVD. Most of the books are prepared by professionals who have immense knowledge about this field. So, it is not difficult to find out a particular book that you need.

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