How constipation affects your body and what you can do

By | March 6, 2021
How constipation affects your body and what you can do

How constipation affects your body and what you can do

How constipation affects your body and what you can do

According to a 2018 health survey, about 22% of Indian adults suffer from constipation. Constipation was more common in metro cities. And the difficulty is not limited to adults but is also seen in young and middle-aged people, which has caused them anxiety.

What causes constipation?

When waste products move slowly in the colon, it leads to constipation. This means that bowel movements are irregular and less frequent.

Regular and irregular bowel movements

According to the clinical definition, if you have less than three bowel movements per week, you experience constipation. But this one definition is not suitable for everyone because the frequency of bowel movements varies greatly. Although some people may have one to two bowel movements a day, others have only four bowel movements per week.

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Constipation affects your body and what you can do.

Therefore, experts say that when one’s bowel movement is different from his average or his stools are hard. He needs to be stressed. It can be called constipation.

Risk factors for constipation

Constipation is often a problem in physical lifestyle, but medical facilitators are also common.
Not enough dietary fiber
Muscle function/head loss
Neurological problems or damage
Disability / instability
Some medications, including iron and calcium supplements
Surgery or hospitalization
To be a woman
Getting old
Some medical conditions, including Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, pregnancy, and diabetes, can also help with constipation.
Some of these factors are common to the entire IDD population. For example, people with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome generally have reduced muscle tone. A high percentage of the IDD community experience limited mobility or use multiple medications. People with PKA eat non-nutrients, which can contribute to intestinal obstruction. As a result, constipation is prevalent in IDD populations.

constipation affects your body and what you can do

Note that dehydration – one of the helpers for constipation – is one of the four fatal conditions that disproportionately affect people with intellectual disabilities.

What happens when you have constipation?

Let’s start with a basic thought of digestion. Food enters the digestive tract and is swallowed once through the esophagus to the stomach. The gastric juices and enzymes in the stomach start the digestion process until the contents enter the small intestine. In the small intestine, enzymes break down the process so that nutrients can be absorbed.

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Food that is partially digested travels to the colon or large intestine and is lost. As it travels from the colon to the rectum, it absorbs water.

What happens when you have constipation?

Constipation is a problem that occurs in the large intestine and occurs when lost product travels more slowly than average due to the slow muscles in the lining of the intestine. The extra time allows for greater vitamin and water absorption and smoother stool harder and drier. Some medications and conditions such as pregnancy can slowly contract the intestinal muscles and less force and contribute to constipation.

But other common conditions that affect bowel movements include physical activity, fiber intake, and hydration levels. Here’s what each of the three tasks does and how you can do them to prevent constipation problems. Read about diabetes diseases.

Eat plenty of fiber

Fiber slightly adds to your waste, which stimulates contractions in the intestinal wall to keep things moving.

A cool way to add extra fiber to your diet is to eat more vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, and nuts. But don’t overdo fiber, as it can cause constipation.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is very important for the smooth functioning of the body. Having enough water also helps prevent constipation. Sometimes even mild dehydration can affect the body’s water balance and digestive juices, causing severe wastes when it enters the large intestine. The effort to drink at least 4-5 liters of water every day.

How constipation affects your body and what you can do

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