How to Avoid Overeating dieting during the Holidays
How to Avoid Overeating dieting during the holidays Christmas dinner table can be adorned with great food, but polish yourself this season to offer your heart a present. In the near term, overeating might produce heartburn. According to the American Heart Association, it can lead to unhealthy weight gain and obesity over time, which can lead to heart attack and heart disease. As a result, it poses a major risk.
In addition, a study published in Clinical Research in Cardiology found that admissions to cardiac-related hospitals peaked during the holiday season, with overeating being cited as a critical stimulus.
Eating binge puts pressure on the body,” says Emanon Benaminowitz, MD, a cardiologist at Manhattan Cardiology in New York City. In addition, shaking, overeating does extra work for the heart.
The long-term consequences of overeating:
Sonia Tolani, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City and an assistant professor at the Columbia Women’s Heart Center, adds that type 2 diabetes can develop when overeating leads to weight increase. “Diabetes is also one of the most major risk factors for developing heart disease, increasing the risk in women and tripling the risk in men.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that being overweight raises the risk of illnesses and diseases such as stroke, osteoarthritis, depression, and anxiety, in addition to diabetes and heart disease.
Here are five tips from a cardiologist to avoid overeating during the holidays
To maintain your fitness goals in this season full of sugar and fat and keep your tuck in the best shape for the new year, consider adopting the following:
Stick to a routine
Beniaminovitz believes that a strict diet and exercise regimen – eating the same food simultaneously every day and not deviating too much from the routine – is best to avoid holiday gluttony. It’s also a great way to maintain a healthy heart throughout the year.
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But when you usually have lunch and dinner, the holiday meal is at different times. So try to stick to your routine as much as possible. For example, eat a healthy breakfast when you are awake and bring a healthy breakfast with you before the main holiday meal. That way, you won’t feel so hungry when you finally get this beautiful holiday rental. If the weather permits, go for a walk with your family and friends between meals or later. This is a great way to spend quality time with your loved ones.
Avoid fatty foods.
Dr Tolani suggests that high-fat foods and dairy-rich foods should also be avoided. Instead, try heart-healthy foods such as lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and high-fibre whole grains.
Holiday meals are high in unhealthy saturated fats. So try to limit fatty meats and cheeses and still allow yourself to enjoy some of your favourite holiday treats. One trick is to fill a quarter of your plate with your favourite foods and eat other healthy foods such as lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you are worried that these foods may not be available at the meal you are attending, offer to bring one or two healthy dishes with you. That way, you know you’ll have healthier options when it comes to filling your plate!
Take your time.
It takes about 20 minutes for the message to reach the brain that your stomach is full,” says Kelly Kennedy, RD, a nutritionist at Everyday Health. If you continue to eat during this time, you can eat more than your body needs. So slow down, chew your food well, and keep your fork down between bites to avoid overeating. “Tolani suggested that drinking water between bites would also help you speed up. Can
Plan ahead.
Advises Kennedy to “make a plan before he arrives at the holiday gathering.” She notes that this may include eating a healthy breakfast before you arrive, drinking plenty of water during the day, or planning a small portion of your favourite holiday party. The key, she says, is to know what works for you and stick to it.
Focus on the company.
Kennedy says, “it’s easy to get all the food in the holiday party.” Instead of focusing on food, focus on meeting friends and family. Take time to talk between bites, and you’ll eat less and enjoy your trip more. “Then, as the holiday season approaches for another year, spend time with your loved ones. It is more likely to remember the time than to eat.
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