Buffalo Farming And Production veterinary PDF Urdu Book Free Download
Buffalo Farming And Production veterinary PDF Urdu Book Free Download. According to general observations, most of our mammals (cows, buffaloes) give an average of 5 to 6 litres of milk per animal per day, which is very low and unprofitable. Due to the current situation, our cattle breeders cannot take advantage of their animals to the best of their ability due to a lack of resources and unfamiliarity with modern animal science. Milk consumption increases rapidly over time, and existing arrangements and resources are insufficient for the dairy industry—lack of facilities to keep milk usable for a long time. In addition, the delivery and sale of milk from rural to urban areas are very complicated due to the lack of proper facilities.
Buffalo farming is not new:
Buffalo farming is not a new concept in the new world. Wild-water buffalo were bred in the Indian subcontinent about 5,000 years ago and in China about 4,000 years ago.
Farmers rear two types of water buffaloes. These two types are identified based on morphological and behavioural criteria.
The two recognized species are the river buffalo and the swamp buffalo. River buffalo are found in the Indian subcontinent and beyond the Balkans to Italy.
And swamp buffalo are found in the west from Assam through Southeast Asia to the Yangtze Valley of China in the east.
The river buffaloes that exist today result from a complex process of domestication that involves multiple mating processes and the flow of critical maternal genes from wild populations after early domestic events.
Buffalo farming is essential for some people in the Indian subcontinent.
There are currently at least 130 million domestic buffaloes worldwide, and more than 95.8% of that population is found in Asia.
The total population of buffaloes in India in 2003 was over 97.9 million heads which are 56.5% of the world’s population.
People rely on buffalo farming in India and some other Asian countries instead of raising other domestic animals.
Buffaloes are especially suitable for farming in rice fields, and their milk is higher in fat and protein than in dairy cattle.
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How to start a buffalo farming business:
Starting a buffalo farming business is like starting a cattle breeding business. But proper breeding system depends on the purpose for raising and caring for.
Most buffaloes are raised by farmers who work on small farms in family units. Often their buffaloes are in close contact with them and often their most significant asset.
On small farms, lactating buffaloes are generally raised and cared for by women and girls in India, and males and females are related to working animals.
Buffaloes are, in fact, ideal for working in the deep soil of paddy fields because of their large hooves and flexible joints.
Buffaloes are often referred to as the ‘living tractor of the East. It is possible to plough deeper with a buffalo than with an ox or a horse.
They are the most efficient and economical means of cultivating small farms. But with the advent of modern agriculture, the use of buffalo has declined dramatically.
And currently, buffaloes are raised either for milk or meat. However, we are talking about steps to start a buffalo farming business.
Select the appropriate area:
Choosing the right area is very important for starting a buffalo farming business. A room with all the necessary facilities would suit a successful buffalo farming business. The following facilities will be good for buffaloes.
A quiet fenced area would be suitable for business.
A source of clean drinking water is a must.
Grazing land
The land will be perfect for cultivating feed. However, feeding the buffaloes bought will cost you a lot.
Availability of all necessary equipment.
Wage availability. Full-time labour will be suitable for buffalo farms.
The availability of a doctor is also essential.
Good transportation service.
Nearby market, so that you can easily buy the required items. And close to the market helps market your product.
Choose the best breed for your business:
Success in the buffalo farming business also depends on choosing good breeds. Choose suitable species for your production purpose.
Some breeds are suitable for producing meat or milk, and some are good for agricultural purposes.
Buffalo Farming And Production veterinary PDF Urdu Book Free Download:
Buffalo Farming And Production veterinary PDF Urdu Book Free Download. Some of the famous and well-known breeds of buffaloes are Mara, Surati, Jaffarabadi, Anatolian, Neeli Ravi, Egyptian, Mediterranean, Pandharpuri, Nagpur, Bhadavari and Romanian buffaloes. Select and purchase buffalo breeds based on availability in your area.
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