Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download

By | January 10, 2022
Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download

Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download

Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download

Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download. Ostrich Farming in Pakistan or Shooter Marg Farming in Pakistan is an Urdu book that can be downloaded or read online. Ostrich farming is the highest-paying enterprise, with millions of rupees to be made. Allah Almighty has created everything in this universe in this way for the benefit of human beings. We acquire our food and other advantages from mountains, oceans, rivers, fields, and animals, among other things. Meat is usually obtained from cows, buffaloes, goats, fowl, and fish. Ostriches are also a fantastic source of meat. Pakistanis have yet to experience its flesh. Because ostrich farming is not yet a common practice in Pakistan, you will certainly be intrigued if you are fully informed of the benefits.

The ostrich is a natural gift:

His home country in Africa. However, it is now farmed on a vast scale in almost every corner of the world. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates stand out in particular. Now we’ll tell you all you need to know about its progress. The ostrich is primarily a foraging bird. And he is 40 years old on average. The chicks become reproductive at the age of 18 months. And it weighs up to 40 kg. The female lays 70-50 eggs a year. If we compete with the cow and the ostrich, the cow gives birth to one or two cubs a year. However, we can have 50 children with just one ostrich. This will enable you to keep a better track of the growing season.

The information is provided in the Urdu book:

If you work in agriculture, this is a highly important issue for you. This task can be begun with just one male and one lady at first. A thousand yards of plants will be required for thirty birds. It is critical to notice that every portion of the ostrich is vital. The information is provided in the Urdu book.

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The ostrich is the world’s biggest bird:

The ostrich is the world’s biggest bird, as well as the tallest bird. Ostriches may grow to be six to eight feet long. Its neck and legs contribute significantly to its overall length. It typically weighs between two and three hundred pounds or one hundred and fifty kg. Its arms and wings are frail. Despite being a bird, it cannot fly due to its large bulk. Nature has blessed him with extraordinarily powerful legs that allow him to run very swiftly in exchange for his frailty. It often travels at a pace of thirty to thirty-five miles per hour.

The size and form of ostriches vary somewhat. Ostriches may grow to be six to eight feet long. Its neck and legs contribute significantly to its overall length. It typically weighs between two and three hundred pounds or one hundred and fifty kg. Its limbs and wings are frail. Despite being a bird, it cannot fly due to its large bulk.

Shutar murgh Ostrich farming in Pakistan Urdu pdf free book download

Nature has blessed him with extraordinarily powerful legs that allow him to run very swiftly in exchange for his frailty. It often travels at a pace of thirty to thirty-five miles per hour. A female ostrich may lay up to twelve eggs at a time. A single egg weighs around three and a half kilos. The ostrich egg is the biggest and heaviest of all the world’s birds.

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